Electronic and mechanical repairs are carried out with test devices of all brands and types of fitness equipment.
Our company performs bearing replacement, welding and painting processes, hardness mechanism steel ropes, engine maintenance, collector coal change and shock absorber within the scope of mechanical maintenance and repair.
Our technicians who work in our company can modify the DC motor system running bands with AC system. We guarantee that you can use your modified bands smoothly and safely for years.
0531 714 92 70
One of the most important vital parts of the treadmill, the Band (usually every 2 years), must be replaced when the time comes. If you continue to use a band that has worn out and has lost its friction feature, it is inevitable that it will fail with your power card since most of the users are wrong. they see and ignore the wear inside. Since the inner parts of the bands are made of polyester fabric, this part loses its slippery on the floor by cottoning due to the use and combining with dust and oil over time. Using a tape in this situation is extremely risky, which can create a high cost that you wouldn't want to have it repaired. For this reason, delaying or not performing tape maintenance will shorten the life of your tape.
The situations that will require your band to change are listed below.
1.If the band has hairiness and cottoniness - (you can understand the fabric part of the tape by hand)
2.There are regional folds and tears in the tape.
3.If there is excessive glare and thinning on the band (You can understand by starting to make pot)
4.When you lubricate the tape, if the oil gives the top spot by dot
If the joints of the 5th band began to appear
6. If you are struck by low current electricity from anywhere on the running belt.
Our company can produce solutions to the engine problems of all treadmills, regardless of brand and model.
It is a coated piece made of wood, which is rubbed along with the user pressure during the rotation of the band. The frequency of use varies according to the frequency of use and silicone lubrication. It damages the tape. It should be changed in time as it will trigger other malfunctions.
Sports equipment is installed from scratch with its wide product range.

Bearings are found in the front and rear rollers that turn the belt on the treadmill, the main motor and some tilt motors. You can understand that the bearings bearing circular movements have long lifetimes, but you can understand that they need to change from the excessively clicked sounds coming from your treadmill. .
Kosiband screens have various designs and various features. The features of the treadmill display and console are proportional to the price of the treadmill. If the treadmill is cheap, there is not much feature in that indicator and console. It covers only basic features such as time, speed and distance. As the price of the indicator increases, it is decorated with interactive features, routine exercises, heart rate images, special ready programs, customized programs and internet connections. The TV feature and touch screen features that are on the agenda in our time are among the reasons that raise the price of the treadmill to a very high level. Ultimately, the principle of operation of the treadmill indicator, whether cheap or expensive, is generally the same. It commands the movement to the engine part, sends the signal necessary for its acceleration, and instantly receives and processes the speed information in the treadmill on the treadmill, and displays the necessary information with the help of the processors on the LCD screen, dot matrix or digitally to the user. It takes, from the finger or ear lobe or the polar device attached to the chest, works and displays it. For emergency situations, a sudden stop device has been added. When using the belt, definitely put the safety switch latch on you.
1. When buying a home type band, choose a device with a motor power suitable for your weight.
2. The width and length of the running area is important for a comfortable sport.
3. It is important that the fastening elements of the walking ground are flexible and do not damage the joint and bone structure.
4. If the space you use the device is narrow, you can choose the folding models. Make sure that it has a shock absorber.
5. Choosing silent devices will not disturb you and those around you.
6. The maximum speed and slope your device can reach must be suitable for your sports style.
7. Ask / search whether after-sales services and service network are available.